Our History
Since ESNG began transporting natural gas through its pipeline in 1959, our history has been rich with growth, both organic and expanding beyond our existing footprint to bring natural gas to areas of the Delmarva Peninsula that were previously not served. Click the decade below to find out where ESNG was growing:
ESNG was incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware in 1955. Since ESNG began transporting natural gas through its pipeline in 1959, our history has been rich with growth, both organic and expanding beyond our existing footprint to bring natural gas to areas of the Delmarva Peninsula that were previously not served.
In 1959, ESNG saw the completion of our original pipeline, extending from an interconnect with Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company (Transco) in Parkesburg, PA, through Delaware and terminating in Salisbury, MD, as well as a lateral extending from Eastern Shore’s mainline to serve Tidewater Oil Company in Delaware City, DE. Natural gas was now available for use on the lower Delmarva Peninsula for the first time.
In 1965, a 30-mile pipeline expansion from Bridgeville, DE, to Cambridge, MD, was completed. 1966 was another milestone year as Eastern Shore added a second interconnect with Transco at Hockessin, DE.
Beginning in 1971, Eastern Shore began to experience curtailment of its supply. This curtailment increased through 1977. By the close of the decade, the curtailments started to reverse and the 1980s once again brought on a period of expansion.
In 1981, construction of an 8-mile parallel line from Dover, DE to Canterbury, DE, was completed. Shortly thereafter, in 1982, an interconnect with another upstream supplier, Columbia Gas Transmission (Columbia), was added near Daleville, PA. In 1986, Eastern Shore completed construction of its flagship compressor station at Daleville, PA. The station was constructed to regulate incoming pressures from both interconnecting pipelines.
In 1997, a third compressor station was constructed. This station, located at Delaware City, DE, is the largest on Eastern Shore’s system. In that same year, Eastern Shore transitioned to an open access pipeline.
In 2000, pipeline looping and an 8-mile extension from Harrington, DE, to Milford, DE. was completed which made it possible for natural gas service to be available in southeastern Kent County, DE, and eastern Sussex County, DE, for the first time. For the remainder of the decade, Eastern Shore completed two different multi-year expansions, adding almost 65 miles between looping and extending the pipeline further south towards Millsboro, DE.
Eastern Shore has completed geographic expansions of the pipeline, extending into Worcester County and pushing further west in Cecil County. Portions of the existing pipeline have also been looped to capture organic growth.
Eastern Shore continues to expand and enhance the resiliency of the system to deliver safe and reliable natural gas on the Delmarva Peninsula. The 2017 Expansion, completed in 2020, added approximately 40 miles of pipeline and also added compression. It was one of our largest projects and enabled Eastern Shore to meet customer demand. The Del-Mar Energy Pathway Project brought natural gas to underserved markets and allowed Eastern Shore to bring economical natural gas to Somerset County, Maryland, for the first time.
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Address: 500 Energy Lane, Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302.734.6710
Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company is a subsidiary of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation.
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (“Chesapeake Utilities”) is an energy delivery Company publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “CPK” (NYSE:CPK). Eastern Shore Natural Gas is not, nor has it ever been, affiliated with Chesapeake Energy Corporation.