2017 Expansion Project
FERC Docket No. PF16-7-000; CP17-28-000
Lancaster & Chester Countiesin Pennsylvania
Cecil Countyin Maryland
New Castle, Kent & Sussex Countiesin Delaware
Project Overview:
Eastern Shore submitted a request to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to begin a National Environmental Policy Act pre-filing review for its 2017 Expansion Project under Docket No. PF16-7-000. The 2017 Expansion Project is necessary to deliver up to an aggregate of 61,162 dekatherms of additional natural gas transportation service to meet the growing market demand for reliable energy with fewer emissions.
Project Details:
10.8 miles of 24” looping (south PA/northern MD), 4.5 miles 16” looping (PA), ½ mile 10” looping (New Castle County, DE), 17 miles of 10” connector (southern DE), 6.7 miles of 10“ looping (southern DE), a new 3,750 hp compressor at Daleville, upgrades at the TETCo interconnect (near Honey Brook, PA), and two new pressure control stations (southern DE)
- $117 Million Capital Investment
- 17 Miles of New Extension
- 3,750 HP (horsepower) Compressor Unit
Eastern Shore held a series of open seasons to solicit customer interest in the 2017 Expansion Project. The 2017 Expansion Project facilities will provide up to an aggregate of 61,162 dekatherms of additional firm natural gas transportation capacity to meet anticipated market demand.
Executed Precedent Agreement
Eastern Shore finalized precedent agreements with its customers. The final capacity demand was refined through the pre-filing process.
Regulatory Approval
October 4, 2017: Certificate issued. Eastern Shore Natural Gas Co., 161 FERC – 61,014 (2017)
In-Service Dates:
- December 2017: Honey Brook Meter Station Upgrades
- June 2018: Fair Hill Loop
- July 2018: Jennersville Loop and Daleville Compressor Station
- December 2018: Seaford-Millsboro Connector and Millsboro Pressure Control Station
- January 2019: Parkesburg Loop
- June 2019: Laurel Loop
- August 2019: Delmar Control Station
- September 2019: Summit Loop and Hearns Pond Loop